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Heart Healthy

Heart healthy supplements along with regular exercise are two of the major contributing factors to the reduction of heart disease and stroke.  Hear healthy program should include diet, exercise and food supplements. One study shows that people who are 5% overweight are 30 percent more likely to develop heart disease. Those that are moderately overweight have an 80 percent higher risk than lean people. And if you are 30 percent overweight you're over 300 percent more likely to develop heart disease.


And another study shows that coronary heart disease can be reversed by making different lifestyle choices. The lifestyle changes include diet, stress management, quitting smoking, moderate exercise, and emotional support. This weight loss program is a more healthful way of living. Moderate exercise helps you lose weight and it strengthens your heart at the same time. Various supplements are useful for those individuals who want to maintain a healthy heart or who suffer from heart related disease.

Cod Liver Oil
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